Counseling FAQs

What hope is there?

In today’s complex world, God’s wisdom and guidance are desperately needed. God has provided everything necessary for individuals to know Him, grow spiritually, and to live in a way that is pleasing to Him. God promises to bless those who obey His instructions in the Bible. The one who follows God’s instructions can have hope, contentment, and answers to handle all the pressures of life.

What kind of counseling?

Grace Hill Church offers marriage, individual, and family counseling. This counseling is based on the Bible. God’s Word is sufficient to answer the problems of life, and is superior to any other source of counsel.

Who counsels?

Counselors are pastors and other qualified individuals trained in biblical counseling.

What does it cost?

The counseling is free. Grace Hill Church provides the facilities, and the counselors volunteer their time and services. Our church family views this as a ministry of the church for the benefit of the church and community.

When will I be counseled?

Counseling is available during weekly sessions by appointment. If a counselor is not immediately available, there may be a waiting period.

How long will counseling last?

Normally counseling sessions last one hour each week for approximately 4-12 weeks. The number of sessions may be shortened or lengthened depending on your progress.

Will my sessions be confidential?

Everything is strictly confidential except where, in the counselor’s judgment, there is a biblical necessity to involve others -- for example, in the case of criminal activity.

Will there be homework?

Work must be done between counseling sessions to ensure lasting change. Therefore, weekly assignments must be faithfully completed in order to continue counseling.

Where do I begin?

Simply compete and submit the form and an elder from Grace Hill will be in contact with you.