Church In Real Life

Lucas Enge Lucas Enge


We love Sundays! One thing we observe throughout the New Testament, both from example (Acts 2:41ff.) and from command (Hebrews 10:25), is that we are to meet together regularly as a local church. Since the first century, Christians have made it their priority to meet weekly on “the first day of the week” (1 Corinthians 16:2), also called “the Lord’s day” (Revelation 1:10). This was not done out of obligation, but out of joy and reverence, as men and women eagerly anticipated their meeting with fellow brothers and sisters on the first day of the week.

Sundays | 10am

Beginning Easter | April 20th

Though the day of the week is clearly laid out in Scripture and church history, the timing for when each local church gathering occured would vary. There are occasions when any given local church has the freedom and flexibility to shift their worship time to accommodate the needs of their local body. This such occasion has become a recent reality for Grace Hill Church. Therefore, beginning Easter Sunday, April 20th, our worship start time will be moved to 10am for the foreseeable future.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

School of Theology

We have the ambition to see the good news of Jesus spread throughout Lake Country, Wisconsin. We recognize the significant limitations for one small local church to take on this burden alone. Thus, we desire to raise up men and women who will serve the next generation of Christians in Lake Country, Wisconsin.

Lake Country School of Theology

We offer a number of opportunities for supervised theological training, ministry experience, and formal evaluation. It's a part of our church culture and a practical way we equip the saints for discipleship and deployment.

Theological Training For Everyday Life

Have you ever wanted to be mentored by a fellow brother or sister in-Christ? Do you desire to receive helpful feedback and evaluation while participating in an intentional and focused internship? Do you aspire to be a pastor or deacon in your local church? Are you regularly approached by hurting, needy people and wish you were more equipped to counsel and teach them the truths of Scripture?

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Know, And Be Known

Come know and be known. A local church is where you know your pastors, and your pastors know you. One relational mark of our Chief Shepherd, Jesus, was that his sheep not only knew his voice but that their shepherd knew them. We expect nothing less for our local church, than to follow the model of Jesus.

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

John 10:27

The local church is a place where men and women know one another, exhort one another, care for one another, and love one another. Many of the commands given throughout Scripture are nearly impossible to fulfill if we simply do not know one another. So we make it our ambition to know and be known.

Come Know and Be Known

The local church: A place where your pastors are more than just a voice you hear from a distant stage. A place where you can call or text your pastors at any hour. A place where you can share meals in member’s homes and engage in life-changing living room discussions. A place were everyone knows your name. A place to know Christ and to be known by Him.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

We’re Growing

This Sunday we’ll welcome new members to Grace Hill Church! God has been faithful to build His church and continues to remind us of His goodness and kindness in the lives of those He leads through our doors. Come ready to celebrate as we affirm and welcome our new members during the service.

Christ Is Building His Local Church

Paul says in Ephesians 4:25 that we are “members one of another”. Church membership is more than a membership in a club. It’s an expression of our commitment to the people around us. The Scriptures are full of “one another” commands that show believers how to act in godliness toward other people. What Scripture makes clear is that these “others” refer to a specific group of people, not all people generally. These “others” are the men and women identified in a particular local church.

We Are Members One Of Another

As members of Grace Hill, we have the privilege of living out our lives with one another. We celebrate and grieve with one another. We build deep relationship with one another. We advance the joy of Jesus together. We help one another pursue holiness. We remind one another of the beauty of the gospel.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Youth Game Night

Our next youth night will be Saturday, February 8th from 4-8pm at the Lindmark home. We will plan on playing games, splashing around their pool (please pack swimsuits and towels) and continuing our study through the Sermon on the Mount. 

Saturday, February 8th | 4-8pm

We currently meet once a month to learn and grow. Every meeting is different. Sometimes it's a party. Sometimes it's a service project. Often we have deep theological conversations. 7th-12th graders from inside and outside the church are welcome to join.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Popcorn Polity - ByLaws

Who needs popcorn and a movie when we’ve got popcorn and polity?! Come spend a Sunday evening at Grace Hill. Just sit back, relax, snack on some popcorn, and enjoy a night of polity as we carefully review an important document in the life of our church.

Documents That Matter

Church polity matters; perhaps more than we will ever know. Therefore we endeavor to continue carefully working through a few documents that will ultimately shape the way Grace Hill functions as a local church as we desire to make much of the good name of Jesus in Merton and beyond.

February 23, 6pm - ByLaws

The set of three proposed documents are: (1) the Trinity Fellowship Book of Church Order, (2) Grace Hill ByLaws, and (3) the Grace Hill Book of Church Life. On February 23rd we will survey our proposed ByLaws (copies will be distributed at the member meeting on February 9th). Come ready to ask questions and engage in a healthy discussion about this document and learn how it will help shape and guide our ministry, for our good and for Christ’s glory.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Deacons Among Us

Deacons are integral members of the church, supporting the ministries of GHC under the leadership of the Elders and promoting unity within the body. These men serve faithfully behind the scenes, often with little to no recognition. When needs arise, they are quick to respond and settle the matter. They often anticipate needs before they become significant issues and handle them with great grace and care. They are indeed a blessing to our church.

Deacons Serve As Christ First Served Us

Please pray for these men and their families as they regularly sacrifice their time and skills to serve our church body. Pray for God to raise up more deacons among us. Who have you noticed in our church that exhibit the qualities of a Biblical Deacon? Who serves faithfully to meet a variety of needs, often without being asked? Who is filled with the Spirit, engaging in service to care for the church and glorify Christ? Pray for our deacons, present and future.

1 Timothy 3:13

For those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Raised To New Life

Baptism is an outward visible sign of an internal spiritual reality. A sacrament proper only to those who believe in the death, resurrection, and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.

Outward Sign of an Inward Reality

Come join us this Sunday as we celebrate God’s grace and mercy through baptism. A beautiful sign displaying the reality of the work of the Spirit in our hearts. Our corporate witness and participation, while individuals are baptized, serves as a reminder that we are one body and all receive grace through observing and giving Jesus glory through obedience to this wonderful ordinance.

Romans 6:3–5

Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Generous Giving

Your constant, faithful and generous financial sacrifice for the ministry of Grace Hill is an evidence of God’s grace in your lives! Thank you for your joyful and generous hearts to give above and beyond the needs of Grace Hill Church!

Generous & Joyful Giving

We take money seriously. Your financial support is part of how you express your thankfulness to God for all He has done. So we aim to be faithful, prudent, and accountable for every dollar donated to our church. We take the stewardship of everything God provides us seriously, including your financial support.

In an effort to ensure accountability and wise planning, the Pastoral Team has appointed a Finance Team. This team provides guidance to church leaders, publishes regular reports to our church members, and oversees our compliance with best practices.

New Way To Give

One of our initiatives over the recent year has been to making giving to Grace Hill more accessible. There is now a new online giving feature for those of you looking for a simple and convenient way to give to the church. You will have the options to give to either the “General” or “Benevolent” fund, cover the processing fee, and even track your giving history.

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