Generous Giving

Your constant, faithful and generous financial sacrifice for the ministry of Grace Hill is an evidence of God’s grace in your lives! Thank you for your joyful and generous hearts to give above and beyond the needs of Grace Hill Church!

Generous & Joyful Giving

We take money seriously. Your financial support is part of how you express your thankfulness to God for all He has done. So we aim to be faithful, prudent, and accountable for every dollar donated to our church. We take the stewardship of everything God provides us seriously, including your financial support.

In an effort to ensure accountability and wise planning, the Pastoral Team has appointed a Finance Team. This team provides guidance to church leaders, publishes regular reports to our church members, and oversees our compliance with best practices.

New Way To Give

One of our initiatives over the recent year has been to making giving to Grace Hill more accessible. There is now a new online giving feature for those of you looking for a simple and convenient way to give to the church. You will have the options to give to either the “General” or “Benevolent” fund, cover the processing fee, and even track your giving history.


Raised To New Life


Together Is Better