Sunday School

Beginning January, Sunday School will have a new structure and a new start time at 9:00am. The Elders envision these improvements will help to strengthen our church body and strategically position us for greater effectiveness in sharing the Gospel of Christ with our community, both now and in the future.

Sunday School @ 9:00am

The three groups will be composed of the following recommended age ranges: PLANT (Infant-4yrs), WATER (5-11yrs) and, GROW (12-adult). All groups will meet on the north side of the building.

Plant | Water | Grow

Our Sunday School classes are open to everyone. A team of teachers lead our time together. All classes take place prior to our service and there is no homework. Bring your Bible and get ready to dive into God’s Word together!


Fasting Into 2024


Proposed Constitution Explanation and Q&A