Journaling Ephesians
Join Grace Hill every Sunday as we journey through the Book of Ephesians. God gave us twenty one letters to churches (or leaders of churches). Thirteen of these letters (fourteen if you count Hebrews) was authored by the Apostle Paul, including his letter to the church in Ephesus. Throughout this marvelous letter, Paul teaches that the Christian church, consisting of people from all nations and ethnic groups, enjoys and must maintain unity in the inaugurated new creation of which they are fellow heirs with Christ.
A Journal for Ephesian Sermons
We are providing a journaling resource for those of you who would like to enhance your study through the Book of Ephesians. Grab your copy on Sunday to learn more background information about this historic book, record your sermon notes, and answer personal application questions throughout the series.
We are so excited for this series! As a pastoral team, we’re praying that God would meet with you personally as we explore the Book of Ephesians together!