Church In Real Life
Visit Israel With The Dernlans
An informational Brochure for this upcoming trip to Israel hosted by Dave and Sue Dernlan can be found on the Information Table (Back of the Auditorium).
April 29-May 8, 2022
Kid’s Club Is Back!
Kid’s Club Begins, Wednesday, September 15, at 6:30 pm.
We invite all children, ages 4k-6thgrade to join us for Kid’s Club. We will be using The Gospel Project for Kids curriculum, Jesus' Ministry Begins.
Baptism & Membership Class
For those interested in believer’s baptism and/or membership, there will be a six week class beginning September 26 during the Sunday School hour at 9:30am.
Sunday, September 26 @ 9:30am
To sign up for the class please see Pastor Darrel or complete the interest form below:
Cook-out with the Ketchams
Sunday, June 13th will be the Ketchams last time with us before they leave to go back to Brazil. Plan to join us for a cook-out and yard games following the worship service.
Sunday, June 13th
Sign-up sheets will be on the round table.
Little Lambs Helpers Needed
If you are willing to help in the nursery during Sunday School, please contact Kris Lenhof, 414-758-8041 or Carol Eckes, 262-533-3105.
Steve and Vicki Stairs Visit
Steve and Vicki Stairs will be with us in June. They will arrive in the afternoon on June 5th, teach and preach on Sunday, June 6th, and leave on Monday morning. The mission's team is looking for volunteers to minister to Steve and Vicki.
Here are some opportunities for Grace Hill:
Gerry and Laura Meissner are graciously going to host the Stairs. You may still sign up to host the Stairs for a meal or Gerry and Laura will open their house to anyone who wants to have a meal at their house.
Meal on Saturday night
Meal on Sunday afternoon
Meal on Sunday evening
Any entertaining events for the Stairs
Please let Aaron, Krissy, Cher, Cody, or Rebekah if you would like to take one of these opportunities to minister to the Stairs family.
Memorial Day Float
Monday, May 30 is the Village of Merton’s Memorial Day Parade. GHC would like to be a visible presence in the parade with a float honoring those who have died.
Are You Available to Help?
If you are available to help, please let Elaine Meissner or one of the Elders know as soon as you are able. Thanks!
Spring Wreath Workshop
Ladies, the Decor Team would like to invite you, to a Spring Wreath Workshop.
The cost will be $30 (for the cost of grapevine wreath, faux florals, and ribbon). We will display an example of the wreath in the Narthex, but, we encourage you to create your “own” beautiful creation with the faux florals given to you. We want to both encourage each other, and enjoy one another! There also will be some fun SPRING refreshments served!
April 23rd at 6:30 pm
A sign-up sheet is on the round table or click on the link. The deadline to sign-up is April 16th. Payment can be made out to Grace Hill Church.