Church In Real Life

Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Romanian Mission

Please pray for Tim & Chris Casper, Dave & Sue Dernlan, Tim & Becca Pasma, and Darrel & Shelli Schrock as they travel to Romania. Ministries will include a variety of formal and informal ministries of the Word.

October 24 - November 7

They will be in various churches, meet with former students, teach a new cohort of students, and seek to strengthen the Church in Romania as we fellowship together.

Please see the Romanian Mission Prayer Sheet for the itinerary and specific prayer requests.

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Grace Hill Grace Hill

Merton Community Food Drive

Grace Hill has the opportunity to provide for needs in our community. You can contribute either money (see “Food Drive” Jar in Narthex) or Non-Perishable Food Items (place on “Food Drive” table in Narthex) between now and Tuesday, November 8th

Let’s Feed Our Neighbors

Food baskets will be delivered to those in need for Thanksgiving by a local group that has been doing this annually for many years. GHC also plans to place a Bible in each food basket.

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Grace Hill Grace Hill

November Men’s Breakfast

Our plan is to enjoy a hot breakfast together, engage in life-giving conversations, and learn together as we read and discuss J.I. Packer’s book Knowing God.

Saturday, November 12, 7:00-8:30am

(2nd Saturday of each month)

Packer says: “Once you become aware that the main business that you are here for is to know God, most of life’s problems fall into place of their own accord”. We invite men—young and old—to join us as we seek to Know God better!

READ Chapters 7-9

Books are available for $13—please see Pastor Darrel for your copy.

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Grace Hill Grace Hill

Men’s Breakfast

All men are invited to enjoy a hot breakfast together, engage in life-giving conversations, and learn together as we read and discuss J.I. Packer’s book Knowing God.

Saturday, October 8, 7:00-8:30am

(2nd Saturday of each month)

Packer says: “Once you become aware that the main business that you are here for is to know God, most of life’s problems fall into place of their own accord”.

Please read chapters 4-6 of Knowing God for October 8.

Books are available for $13—please see Pastor Darrel for your copy.

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Grace Hill Grace Hill

New Sign-Ups for Small Groups

Small Group is a great place for people of all ages and stages of life to connect. Small Groups provide opportunity to develop personal relationships in Christ for the purpose of helping one another mature in the Faith for the glory of God!

If you would like to join a Small Group, or begin attending a different Small Group, please pick up a brochure on the Info Table, and follow the instructions for signing up.

If you are currently in a Small Group, and want to remain, you do not need to sign up again. If you have any questions, please see Pastor Darrel.

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Grace Hill Grace Hill

special business meeting

Immediately following the Worship Service, on Sunday, October 2nd there will be a brief meeting to vote on approving an additional $1,500 for the Romania Missions Trip from October 24th through November 7th.

Sunday, October 2nd

Immediately Following the Service

A door of opportunity has opened for the GHC Team to include Tim/Chris Casper and Darrel/Shelli Schrock. Though not originally planned, this larger GHC Team will give us more opportunity to minister and serve the church in Romania.

You will be asked to affirm the Elder/Deacon proposal of an additional $1,500 to cover the expenses of this trip, to be taken from the General Fund.

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Grace Hill Grace Hill

Romania Benevolent Offering

Normally, we give you an opportunity to give to the Benevolent Fund on the first Sunday of each month, in an effort to meet the needs of people in our own church and community.

On Sunday, October 2nd the Elders and Deacons desire that the Benevolent Fund Offering be used to meet the needs of our brothers and sisters in Romania.

Sunday, October 2nd

No portion of the Benevolent Fund Offering will be used for our traveling or ministry expenses. The Caspers and Schrocks will disperse these gifts as the Holy Spirit leads while in Romania from October 24th - November 7th

Thanks for your generosity!

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