Church In Real Life
Romania Missions trip
October 30 - November 13
Please be praying for Dave/Sue Dernlan and Darrel Schrock as they visit the 5 churches in the Damuc Valley of Romania to preach and teach. Pray especially that God will use the time spent with the Leaders to further equip and encourage them for their shepherding ministry. Also please pray for Darrel as he teaches a new cohort of students in Bucharest with Nicu Sotir during the second week.
Ask the Elders
October has a fifth Sunday, so get your questions ready! The Elders of Grace Hill will attempt to answer your questions about the Bible and life during Sunday School.
Sunday, October 29th @ 9:30 am
Here are some ideas:
What makes our church different from other churches in the area?
How can I talk to my neighbor about Jesus?
What does our church believe about Israel?
We invite you to submit your questions in writing by giving them to an Elder, or by submitting them in the form.
October Armor Verse
Memorizing Scripture is as an excellent strategy for spiritual growth. It allows you to have gospel truths ready at all times, whether your day brings you temptation, heartache or a friend in need of encouragement.
Read more about How to Memorize Scripture and gain some helpful methods.
Armor Verse for the month of October:
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”
- Proverbs 15:1 (ESV)
Chili Fest
Enter your chili for a chance to be a local legend and win a prize! Or, come enjoy food, fun, and help judge the winning chili!
Saturday, September 30, 3-6 pm
We will have a bounce house, wagon rides, games for children and adults, bon fire, prizes for the pumpkin weight guessing contest, and of course voting to determine this year’s BEST CHILI, plus lots of other good food!
Feed Our Neighbors
The Hartland Food Pantry needs your help packing bags, checking dates on donated foods and stocking shelves.
Saturdays 9:30-11:00am
The pantry is located at 555 South Industrial Dr. in Hartland. They are looking for volunteers on Saturdays from 9:30 till 11:00am.
If you would like to volunteer, please call 262-367-6373 and leave a message. A board member will call you back to set up an interview.
September Armor Verse
Memorizing Scripture is as an excellent strategy for spiritual growth. It allows you to have gospel truths ready at all times, whether your day brings you temptation, heartache or a friend in need of encouragement.
Read more about How to Memorize Scripture and gain some helpful methods.
Armor Verse for the month of September:
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”
- Proverbs 15:1 (ESV)
New Sign-Ups for Small Groups
Small Group is a great place for people of all ages and stages of life to connect. Small Groups provide opportunity to develop personal relationships in Christ for the purpose of helping one another mature in the Faith for the glory of God!
If you would like to join a Small Group, or begin attending a different Small Group, please pick up a brochure on the Info Table, and follow the instructions for signing up.
If you are currently in a Small Group, and want to remain, you do not need to sign up again. If you have any questions, please see Pastor Darrel.
Chili Fest
Enter your chili for a chance to be a local legend and win a prize!
Or, come enjoy food, fun, and help judge the winning chili!
Saturday, September 30
3-6 pm
We will have a bounce house, wagon rides, games for children and adults, bon fire, prizes for the pumpkin weight guessing contest, and of course voting to determine this year’s BEST CHILI, plus lots of other good food!
Register Your Chili Here:
To have your chili entered in the competition, your crockpot of warm chili must be onsite before 2:45pm on 9/30 so tastings can begin promptly at 3pm by the other attendees. For any questions, email office@gracehillmerton.com.
August Armor Verse
Memorizing Scripture is as an excellent strategy for spiritual growth. It allows you to have gospel truths ready at all times, whether your day brings you temptation, heartache or a friend in need of encouragement.
Read more about How to Memorize Scripture and gain some helpful methods.
Armor Verse for the month of August:
“There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.”
- Proverbs 14:12 (ESV)