Church In Real Life

Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Help Us Watch Babies

While serving in the nursery means sacrificing time during the Sunday service, those who serve, do so by caring for the children while allowing parents to worship and grow spiritually with peace of mind. This behind-the-scenes ministry is vital, creating a safe and loving environment for little ones while strengthening families.

Serve Our Little Ones

Your commitment and dedication can plant seeds of faith and love that will grow for years to come. Please consider becoming a part of this meaningful work and help us nurture the next generation! Could you commit one Sunday to watching the young ones in our growing nursery? Complete the form below and let us know!

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Popcorn Polity

Who needs popcorn and a movie when we’ve got popcorn and polity?! Come spend a series of three Sunday evenings at Grace Hill. Just sit back, relax, snack on some popcorn, and enjoy a night of polity as we carefully review and discuss three important documents in the life of our church.

3 Nights | 3 Documents

Church polity matters; perhaps more than we will ever know. Therefore we endeavor to carefully work through a few documents that will ultimately shape the way Grace Hill functions as a local church as we further lean in to our desire to make much of the good name of Jesus in Merton and beyond.

Book of Church Order


Book of Church Life

In the coming weeks the pastors will introduce you to a set of proposed documents, (1) the Trinity Fellowship Book of Church Order, (2) Grace Hill ByLaws, and (3) the Grace Hill Book of Church Life. Come ready to ask questions and engage in a healthy discussion about these documents and how they help shape and guide our ministry, for our good and for Christ’s glory.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

What Do You Believe?

As we wrap up our thirty five week Sunday School study through the Trinity Fellowship Confession of Faith we want to provide the final three weeks in December to interact with any remain questions you may have regarding the doctrines we have carefully and slowly explored over the past few months.

Three Sundays | Unlimited Questions

We plan to complete our study on the Confession of Faith on Sunday, December 8th, and then commit the final three Sunday School sessions to your questions. So begin writing out any and all questions you have and come prepared to ask the elders. This is one of the ways we learn best, through open and ongoing discussion. We want to encourage everyone to come and participate.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Merry Youth Night

Mele Kalikimaka

Our next youth night is scheduled for Saturday, December 14th from 4-8pm at the Enge's house. Wear your most fashionable Hawaiian gear while we hula to Christmas carols. The time will also include sharing a meal together, and then continuing our study through the Sermon on the Mount.

Saturday, December 14th | 4-8pm

We currently meet once a month to learn and grow. Every meeting is different. Sometimes it's a party. Sometimes it's a service project. Often we have deep theological conversations. 7th-12th graders from inside and outside the church are welcome to join.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Bring A Pie To Share

Please bring your favorite pie to share with one another on Wednesday evening, November 27th - We will gather for a brief time to sing, pray and give thanks to God for the good things He has done. Afterwards, there will be tea and pie to share and enjoy with one another.

Wednesday, November 27th | 7pm

Psalm 30:4

Sing praises to the LORD, O you his saints, and give thanks to his holy name.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Sure And Steady Anchor

This Sunday our music team will be introducing a new song for us to proclaim. Listen, watch and sing along over the next couple days in order to prepare for our time together on Sunday morning. Thanks for making Sunday mornings a priority to be with God’s people! This is one of the many marks of our unity in the Gospel of Jesus. See you Sunday morning!

Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor

Written by Matt Papa & Matt Boswell

Christ the sure and steady anchor

In the fury of the storm

When the winds of doubt blow through me

When my sails have all been torn

In the suffering, in the sorrow

When my sinking hopes are few

I will hold fast to the anchor

It will never be removed

Christ the sure and steady anchor

While the tempest rages on

When temptation claims the battle

And it seems the night has won

Deeper still then goes the anchor

Though I justly stand accused

I will hold fast to the anchor

It shall never be removed

Christ the sure and steady anchor

Through the floods of unbelief

Hopeless somehow, o my soul

Now, lift your eyes to Calvary

This my ballast of assurance

See His love forever proved

I will hold fast to the anchor

It will never be removed

Christ the sure and steady anchor

As we face the wave of death

When these trials give way to glory

As we draw our final breath

We will cross that great horizon

Clouds behind and life secure

And the calm will be the better

For the storms that we endure

Christ the shore of our salvation

Ever faithful ever true

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Christmas Eve

Come celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus the Messiah. We will gather to sing carols in anticipation of the birth of a baby that would change everything, for everyone, forever!

Tuesday, December 24th @ 5pm

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Senior Pastor

God has appointed a plurality of pastors to lead His local church. Remarkably, with few exceptions, elders are always plural in the New Testament, and the concept of a single senior (or lead) pastor is entirely foreign to Scripture. However, there remains only one reference to a pastor who is given an elevated position above all other elders - and that is found when Peter (a fellow elder) identifies Jesus as our Chief Shepherd, our senior pastor.

Jesus, Our Senior Pastor

Next week the pastors of Grace Hill (along with their wives) will be spending a few days in North Carolina for a Pastoral Leadership Summit. The purpose for their time away is to seek refreshment, renewal, encouragement and a resolve for the work that Christ has called them to in Merton. Please pray for your pastors and their wives while they are away.

From Who is your Pastor, to Who is your Savior.

Your elders’ primary desire should only and always be to help you follow Christ - not follow themselves. Grace Hill Church endeavors to establish a culture that moves far beyond the thought of: “Who is your pastor?” towards the thought: “Who is your great Savior?!” May we grow less enthralled with a certain pastor, as we become increasingly impressed by Jesus!

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge


The Scriptures exhort us to pray earnestly and without ceasing; to pray corporately and in secret; for those who abuse and persecute us; to pray for ourselves, one another and for all people. The Bible tells us to pray.

Colossians 1:3

We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you.

Submit your prayer requests by clicking the “pray for me” button below. The church wants to pray with you.

On Sunday, the elders informed the congregation that following the Sunday worship services, one or more pastors will remain up front afterwards to pray for those who need it. We want to pray for you. We want to pray with you. Let’s pray.

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