Small Group Meetings
Developing personal relationships to help one another mature in the Faith for the glory of God.
Our Goal
Up to 10-12 people of all ages/stages of life developing personal relationships to help one another mature in the Faith for the glory of God (Ephesians 4-5; Hebrews 3:12-14).
Our Meetings
Small Groups meet in homes every first and third week during the month. Days of meetings vary from group to group.
Serving Together
Each SG will look for ways to respond compassionately to needs as they arise in our church and community.
Our Relationships
Be real. Be transparent. Speak Truth in love. Be merciful. Live with one another in light of the Gospel. Treat others as God has treated you in Christ.
Love one another. Do not Gossip. Do not slander. Be confidential. Speak wholesome words that give grace to build up.
Do not become a clique. Serve the larger church body. Reach unbelievers with the Gospel. Grow and multiply!
Our Strategy
It is essential to study the Bible in the context of relationships. We will mature and persevere in our relationship with God as we grow in our relationship with people who are helping one another learn to follow Christ and His Word (Eph. 4:11-16).
Our Structure
Each SG will have leaders responsible to lead in Bible Study, prayer, and spiritual care of the group. But most importantly, SG is all about every member serving one another in love.
Our Study
It’s life-giving to open up the Word in some edifying way, such as: 1) Discuss the meaning and application of the Sunday morning sermon, 2) read/study a book of the Bible together, or 3) read and discuss a solid, biblical book together.
Our Children
Each SG will work together to find the best way to minister to the hearts of their children during the meeting.