Church In Real Life

Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Historic Faith

On Sunday, April 7th we will begin a study through the Trinity Confession of Faith during the Sunday School hour. Trinity Fellowship is a family of churches united around common historic baptist beliefs. The confession was founded upon the 1689 London Baptist Confession. Bring your Bible and the Confession to learn more about what historic reformed baptists have believed for several hundred years, from all over the world.

What You Believe & Why You Believe It

Our Sunday School classes are open to everyone. A team of teachers lead our time together. All classes take place prior to our service and there is no homework. Bring your Bible and get ready to dive into God’s Word together!

Confession of Faith

You can download a digital copy of the confession. If you haven’t receive your personal copy of the confession, please see an Elder for yours. If you have any questions, please also reach out to any of the Elders.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Rethinking Retirement

Starting Wednesday, March 6th, Tony will be leading a mid-week Bible study and prayer meeting for those who have entered into their retirement years. Some of you have been living through this season for quite some time. Some of you have just recently arrived. We want to use this time to love and care for one another while turning to the Scriptures and prayer.

Every Wednesday @ 10am

Meeting at Grace Hill Church

Many of you have faithfully served for years, and some have outlasted many pastors. It is our conviction to plan for the church’s future, but it is also necessary not to neglect those who have helped maintain it. Come join your fellow brothers and sisters as we rethink retirement one Wednesday at a time.

Light refreshments with coffee and tea will be provided. Feel free to bring a snack to share. Please talk with Tony if you have any questions.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Leadership Retreat

Pray for the leaders of Grace Hill as they assemble for a day of prayer and planning. They will be looking to the LORD and his Word for wisdom as they lean forward and seek God’s will for the future of Grace Hill and the Merton community.

Saturday, March 9th

9am - 6pm

The leaders will be joined by Shawn Powers, Pastor from Redemption Hill Church in Des Moines, IW. A portion of their time will be devoted to learning more about the Trinity Fellowship of Churches. They will also be engaging with Pastors from the community who have expressed interest in partnering with Grace Hill for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Partners in the Gospel

During our Member Meeting on February 4th, the Elders announced that Grace Hill has recently begun exploring a partnership with Trinity Fellowship. Over the next couple years we hope all of us will have many opportunities to learn what a relationship like this would mean for our local church.

Together for Christ and His Church

Trinity Fellowship is a family of churches united around common historic baptist beliefs, a mutual desire to develop meaningful relationships, and shared aspirations to work together so we can faithfully proclaim the good news of Jesus by planting more local churches.

Confession of Faith

Book of Church Order

If you didn’t receive your copy of the confession please see an Elder for yours! And if you have any questions, please also reach out to any of the Elders. They would be happy to talk with you!

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

February Youth Night

Our Junior and Senior High School Ministry exists to spread the joy of Jesus to the next generation. We aim to see the gospel applied in the lives of teenagers, trusting it is the power of God to save and transform them into young men and women who worship God.

Saturday, February 24th | 4-8pm

The Lindmark Home

We currently meet once a month to learn and grow. Every meeting is different. Sometimes it's a party. Sometimes it's a service project. Often we have deep theological conversations. 7th-12th graders from inside and outside the church are welcome to join.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Small Group Shake Up

Our small groups encourage genuine relationships within the church, developing the kinds of relationships that will help us mature and persevere in the Faith together.

Every 1st & 3rd Week

Meetings occur in a home every 1st & 3rd week, splitting their time between singing, praying, and discussion. Some groups include young children in their meetings.

Use the form below to sign up for your small group!

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Membership Seminar

Come spend a Saturday morning with the Elders of Grace Hill to learn more about the church and the Biblical values of membership.

Choose from one of the three Saturday options in the form below. Childcare will be provided for those who need it, and lunch will be served at the conclusion of our time together.

March 16 | April 13 | May 18

Come learn what makes Grace Hill Church different from other local churches in the area: what are the distinctive values of Grace Hill and why they matter.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

The Hill

At our recent Member Meeting we introduced you to The Hill. If you’re a member of Grace Hill, this will be your central location for Prayer Needs, Financial Reports, Member Directory, and more. We wanted to create a space for church information to be more accessible to the members.

The Hill

The Hill will be an exclusive, password protected webpage for members of Grace Hill Church. We value your privacy and want to protect your information. If you’re a member of Grace Hill, look for an email with the link to The Hill and your password.

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