Church In Real Life

Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

January Youth Night

This coming Saturday, January 27th, the Youth are planning on doing some outdoor games. So bring proper clothing for the "tropical" weather (snow pants, coats, etc.).

Saturday, January 27th

4-7pm @ Grace Hill Church

There are two requests for those that come, (1) bring a sled, and (2) bring a game you like to play. We are planning on playing a couple games outside, then eating some pizza and, if time allows, playing some games inside. 

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Member Meeting

If you’re a member, or consider Grace Hill your home church, plan to stay with us immediately after the service on Sunday, February 4th. We will eat lunch (pizza will be provided, or you can bring your own food) and then we’ll begin our meeting.

Sunday, February 4th - 12-2pm

The Elders want to share an update on the state of the church as well as share the vision for the future. They also want to provide some intentional time for the members to interact and ask questions. We have many exciting things to share with you and are both excited and hopeful for what God is doing!

The Elders will send out an agenda prior to the meeting. Watch your emails!

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

We Believe

On January 7th, we begin a thirteen week sermon series on the Apostle’s Creed. We want to use the first three months of 2024 to look back at 180 years of God’s faithfulness to the members of Grace Hill Church while simultaneously looking back at over two thousand years of unifying church history.

We want to be reminded of our history as a local church while acknowledging our deeply rooted relationship to the historic church. By God’s grace, we worship the same Lord, Jesus Christ today in Merton as the saints did in the early days of the church and many fellow believers throughout the world today.

New Sermons.

Old Creed.

Same Gospel.

A new sermon series about an old creed. Read more about the local church’s need for creeds here.

I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead.

On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come again to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.


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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Fasting Into 2024

As we enter into the new year, we are venturing into a new season in the life of our church. A season filled with hope and eager expectation for what our great God will accomplish through Grace Hill Church.

Prayer & Fasting

Following the example from Scripture (Neh. 9:1, Daniel 9:3, Joel 1:14, Acts 13:2-3) we want to step into this next season in pursuit of God’s wisdom and search for His lead during a season of prayer and fasting.

Wednesday | January & February

Starting Wednesday, January 3rd the Elders are inviting you to join in a period of corporate prayer and fasting for the purpose of seeking wisdom and guidance from our Heavenly Father. We ask that for every Wednesday, during the months of January and February, that you consider praying & fasting for Grace Hill Church, the Elders, the members, the greater Merton community, and of course however God would lead you.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Sunday School

Beginning January, Sunday School will have a new structure and a new start time at 9:00am. The Elders envision these improvements will help to strengthen our church body and strategically position us for greater effectiveness in sharing the Gospel of Christ with our community, both now and in the future.

Sunday School @ 9:00am

The three groups will be composed of the following recommended age ranges: PLANT (Infant-4yrs), WATER (5-11yrs) and, GROW (12-adult). All groups will meet on the north side of the building.

Plant | Water | Grow

Our Sunday School classes are open to everyone. A team of teachers lead our time together. All classes take place prior to our service and there is no homework. Bring your Bible and get ready to dive into God’s Word together!

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Proposed Constitution Explanation and Q&A

The Elders plan to give a brief explanation of key sections of the Proposed Constitution, and then give opportunity for Q&A. 

Sunday, November 19th & 26th @ 9:30

(during sunday school)

We also encourage you to feel free to ask any Elder about any questions you might have regarding the Proposed Constitution.  Our goal is to give you opportunities to come ready to vote on December 3 with your questions answered.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Annual Member Meeting

Be sure to mark your calendars for December 3rd. If you’re a member or consider Grace Hill your home church, plan to stay with us immediately after the service. We will share a meal and then reconvene for our annual business meeting following lunch.


We will listen to 2023 ministry reports from Ministry Teams, Deacons, and Elders. We will also be voting on the 2024 General Budget and the Proposed GHC Constitution.  Both the Annual Business Meeting Agenda and the Proposed Budget will be posted on November 19, and placed into your mailboxes.

Stayed turned for more details about fellowship meal food sign-up.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

The Handmaid of the Lord

Experience the captivating one hour performance of The Handmaid of the Lord by Acacia Theatre Company hosted by GHC.

December 8th at 7 pm

Immerse yourself in this unique one-woman show that beautifully narrates the life of Jesus from the perspective of his mother, Mary.

Join us for this special evening and don't forget to extend the invitation to a friend.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Exciting Changes For the New Year

As announced by the Elders, our church will undergo significant transformations in its ministries starting in January. The Elders envision these changes will help to strengthen our church body and strategically position us for greater effectiveness in sharing the Gospel of Christ with our community, both now and in the future.

Simplifying Our Ministries for a Greater Purpose

We aim to create space and time to train and equip a group of individuals to build a more robust biblical counseling ministry.  Through this initiative, we aspire to strengthen our church and extend our impact in our community.

Making the Less We Do More Impactful

We are committed to making the activities we undertake more impactful. Rather than spreading ourselves thin, we want to focus on fewer things with greater intentionality. 

Calling for Commitment

We are calling you to be more committed to fewer things.

  • Sunday School: Engage in learning and growing together.

  • Sunday Morning Worship: Gather to rehearse and respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Small Group Participation: Be an active member of a small group.

The Elders are eager to share the intricate details of these adjustments with you at the Annual Business Meeting on December 3rd.

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