Church In Real Life

Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Ascension Day

Prayer, Balloons & Pie

This will be a simple evening to celebrate, reflect and focus on the One who went up. We will begin by gathering on the front lawn to send our prayers and our voices upwards. And then head indoors to enjoy some lemon merengue pie!

Thursday, May 9th @ 6:30pm

We will have a balloon release as a symbolic way to recall the promise that just as some standing by watched Jesus go up, in the same way He will come again!

“When he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes, and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.” - Acts 1:9–11

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Journaling Through Acts

Join Grace Hill every Sunday as we journey through the Book of Acts. God gave us four Gospel accounts about the life of Jesus, but he only gave us one book about the foundational years of the church. In one of the largest books of the New Testament, we will endeavor to learn about the magnificent spread of the Gospel throughout the known world.

A Journal for Acts Sermons

We are providing a journaling resource for those of you who would like to enhance your study through the Book of Acts. Grab your copy on Sunday to learn more background information about this historic book, record your sermon notes, and answer personal application questions throughout the series.

We are so excited for this series! As a pastoral team, we’re praying that God would meet with you personally as we explore the Book of Acts together!

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Spring Cleaning

You’re invited to come and help with many projects located both inside and around the church grounds. We want to be good stewards of the facility God has graciously provided for Grace Hill. Though we have endless opportunities throughout the year to maintain our building, this is the one day each year that we all gather and work together!

Saturday, April 27th | 9am-12pm

We need people who love to scrub, sweep, dig, pull and even some to pull up a chair and supervise! If you have any special interests or skills that you would like to contribute to our all church Spring Cleaning Day, then please contact Deacon Cody Hagfors.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Gospel On The Move

On Sunday April 7th, Grace Hill Church will begin a new sermon series through the Book of Acts. God gave us four Gospel accounts about the life of Jesus, but he only gave us one book about the foundational years of the church. In one of the largest books of the New Testament we learn about the magnificent spread of the Gospel throughout the known world.

One Gospel Mission

Throughout this marvelous book, many questions are brought to our attention: How and Why does the church gather? Who leads the church? What are the purposes of the Spirit in the life of the church? How does the mission of the early church become our mission here in Merton?

Thirty Four Sermons

We are so excited for this series! It is our hope that as we dive into God’s Word we will find answers to these questions and much more. As a pastoral team, we’re praying that God would meet with you personally as we explore the Book of Acts together!

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

March Youth Night

Join us at Sussex bowl this Saturday, as we try on used shoes and hurl heavy objects. Afterwards we’ll head to the Meissner Home for a meal and Bible Study.

Saturday, March 23rd | 4-8pm

Our Junior and Senior High School Ministry exists to spread the joy of Jesus to the next generation. We aim to see the gospel applied in the lives of teenagers, trusting it is the power of God to save and transform them into young men and women who worship God.

Sussex Bowl & Meissner Home

We currently meet once a month to learn and grow. Every meeting is different. Sometimes it's a party. Sometimes it's a service project. Often we have deep theological conversations. 7th-12th graders from inside and outside the church are welcome to join.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Membership Seminar

Come spend a Saturday morning with the Pastors of Grace Hill to learn more about the church and the Biblical values of membership.

Choose from one of the two Saturday options in the form below. Childcare will be provided for those who need it, and lunch will be served at the conclusion of our time together.

April 13 or May 18

Come learn what makes Grace Hill Church different from other local churches in the area: what are the distinctive values of Grace Hill and why they matter.

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

It Is Finished

Join us on Friday, March 29th at 7pm for a time to remember Christ’s finished work on the cross through song, scripture and prayer.


March 29 @ 7pm

“Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”

Isaiah 53:4–6

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Easter Sunday

Arrive early on Easter morning to celebrate the resurrection of Christ with fellow brothers and sisters of Grace Hill Church. There will be an epic donut bar and a photo booth! The Donut bar and Photo booth will be opened at 9am (during our normal Sunday School hour). So come early, enjoy the morning, and share some time with one another!

Donuts & Photos

We are also inviting all of you to come ready to share how you have seen God at work in your life, or in the lives of others, at Grace Hill Church. Seek the Lord, wait on Him, read his Word and be in prayer throughout your week. Come ready to share during our regular time for Testimony and Reports. God has been at work and we all want to hear about it!

Sharing Affirmations of Grace

Our normal Sunday School is cancelled. So come at 9:00am to start the celebration and then stay for the Eater service at 10:30am!

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Lucas Enge Lucas Enge

Music Night

Whether you're a guitar guru, a piano prodigy, a vocal virtuoso, or tuning up for the first time, this gathering is the perfect opportunity for those interested in sharing their musical gifts in service to the church. Let's come together to play and sing!

April 10 @ 6:30pm

Please speak to Andrew Meissner if you wish to participate, and he will give you some additional information.

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